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Monday, July 7, 2014

Nothing to Post About... So Here are Some Pictures!

I haven't had much to post about. All I've been doing is shopping at Victoria's Secret and Rue 21. I've been so into floral prints lately, and I have noooo idea why! I want all of the floral prints I see everywhere! I've bought probably more five or six clothing articles that have floral prints on them!

Yay flowers!
Not included are my floral-printed pants and floral-printed cropped jacket. I want all of them! Can I have my hair floral-printed? Haha, just kidding. (Wait, is that even possible?) Anyway, when I have something better to show you all, I'll blog about it sooner or later... Like my trip to Helen, GA. Helen is a tourist area, and it basically imitates an old European village. It's so pretty. And we did a cute little Western photoshoot. There were three pictures made, but I'll just post one.
He was so in the cowboy character, and I just sat there, smiling awkwardly.